God Speaks About the devil and his evil doings Today
Evil is already going door to door and house to house today, watchman. It is going into many houses at this time to destroy the sinful people in them who do not want to truly know Me or My Son, Jesus. It is also going into the young people of the false reporting churches who do not want to know Me on My grand scale of marvelous significance, fine apparel, and justice. It will soon go into the blind and hard of hearing school children who do not want to truly know Me or worship My Holy name.
For I, the Lord God, know these people and school children today do not want to respect either Me or My Son, Jesus. Therefore, the time is at hand for them to lose their idols and their objects of obsessive desire. In the end many of them will also lose their souls when I decide to judge them.
The time is also at hand for devil’s own children and helpers to react negatively to the rulings and judgments that I, the Lord God, will make against them. They will react in an uncivilized and vile manner to destroy, disrupt, and bring down their own so-called institutions of proper, enlightened, higher learning.
Therefore, soon many defiled people and young ones will begin to show where the devil’s mark has been placed upon them. They will show it with outbursts of anger in their classrooms, and outbursts of vengeful rage and murder at home. They will show it with the scars and wounds that have penetrated deep into their inner thoughts, and into their inner, corrupt, hearts and minds. They will show it with the new violence they will be bringing to the cities and towns they now inhabit today. For I, the Lord God, know many of them come from the uncaring and selfish parents who brought them into this world.
Therefore, soon I, the Lord God, will release a plethora of foul birds upon many unjustified ones today. If they now desire to call the devil their father, then as waste water is consumed by the purity of My words, so shall these defiled and hipocritcal ones be consumed by My fury and anger. Their past unsavory works and deeds will weigh heavily on My decision making towards them. They will be consumed by My fury and anger for their filthy ways, their evil provocations, and their filthy deeds.
So shall these defiled ones never truly be justified with either Me or My Son, Jesus. For they have not established true surrender in their hearts, minds, and souls for Me and My Son. So shall they be as continuous dark spots in My ever-present garden here. They will be as foaming waste water debris upon the land of their forefathers. They will be bringing their sin and iniquity back into their own homes in the coming hours, months, and days. Then it will go back into their own defiled gardens and gathering places.
These people and young ones of the devil’s troop will soon burst forth as strange clay to be broken up, consumed, shattered, burned, and destroyed. For they will not be saved by Me when My new glorious day and My new time of refreshment truly begins. They will not be attending My new beautiful temple of the revival order in the coming days. They will also not be invited to the marriage ceremony of My Son, Jesus, and His beloved bride.
For I, the Lord God, am already in the process of assuming total control of this world called earth. I Am breaking up the fallow and defiled ground that I can see everywhere before Me today. I Am bringing the goats of this world to the precipice of death, famine, pestilence, disease, and destruction. I Am also bringing affliction and millstones to many of the defiled houses that I can see need a cleansing in their foundations and their walls.
I Am also in the process of restoring the breach that has existed here for so long. I Am reviving some of the remnant sleeping sheep of My new house of Israel who I now admire. For it is now the time I have appointed that they should see Me and My Son more clearly. I will soon allow these sheep to come to Me openly and directly through My only Son, Jesus.
However, in the meantime, I will be sifting the polluted land areas of this world where I, the Lord God, can find arid and dried up bones. For I know many of these bones still need to be revived, resurrected, restored, cleansed, and saved. I will also be looking at all of the spotted rocks that I can see before Me today, to find a few choice ones that I might be willing to save and wash clean of their past mistakes and sins.
For as the total amount of My anger and wrath is released here in the next few seasons of time, messenger of Mine, so shall a great portion of the defiled fish that remain in the great seas be dissolved. If they do not want to truly know Me, love Me, and respect both Me and My Son, Jesus, they will be dissolved by My wrath and anger upon them. They will also be consumed by the evil vomit and wickedness that still remains within their own tongues, and within their own polluted bones. They will perish in their own defiled blood because of their corrupt ineptness, their wicked ideas, their blind ways, and their foolishness.
In the end they will be destroyed by My fury upon them for the fact they have refused My true olive branch of higher learning and wisdom. They will also succumb to madness and diseases for the fact they refused My love, My peace offering, My covering, and My Spirit of an eternal, higher order.
For I, the Lord God, know time shall not be kind to the defied people and young ones who now call the devil their father. Instead, soon I will be sending them down to the bottom of the seas where they belong. Therefore the shaking, crying, weeping, and travail that will take place here soon will be upon their own heads, messenger.
For in My coming new day, I, the Lord God, will prove that I Am the only supreme Creator and Father of this world called earth. I will prove that I Am both justified, long-suffering, fair, and worthy in everything I decide to accomplish and do here. I will prove that I Am the final judge and jury over everything that I have made and fashioned upon this earth.