God’s Words About this Old World Fading Away
At this time I Am performing the intentions of My holy pure heart, soul, and mind, watchman. I, the Lord God, am removing all of the sinful waste places of iniquity that exist upon this earth today. I Am also challenging many tribes at this time. I Am changing the natural resources and stable underpinnings that have held this earth together from the earliest days of its existence. I Am also in the process of reassuring My faithful and devoted sons and daughters that they will never lose My love or power. For they are the ones who know they will never fall out of My hands or be destroyed.
Therefore, so shall My judgments, will, and plans for this earth be done in the coming hours, months, and days. For an evening out process has already begun, watchman. Soon all of My plans will be accomplished as doves coming home in the morning and dewdrops falling upon My holy temple in the heavens above. Soon My power over this world called earth will increase sevenfold.
In the coming hours of My glory, when I bring My recompense, My judgments, and My consuming fire to the forefront of many people’s lives, their souls and their bodies will perish off the face of My earth. For soon My glory, light, and power will be revealed here as never before, watchman.
Therefore, as it was in the beginning of My purposeful design here, so shall it be again. For soon I, the Lord God, will be crowned the King of kings, and the Lord of lords, of this world called earth. When My new day arrives in all of its glorious splendor then I, the Lord God, will not be restrained anymore here by time or space. I will also not be restrained by any of the immovable unbelievers who perform filthy acts today. For I know they do not want to obey Me or believe in Me and My Son, Jesus. Therefore, shall their souls soon perish as unwanted chaff.
These unbelievers and under achievers will soon disappear off the face of My precious earth. They will be gone in an instant, for it will be My purposeful desire and will to remove them completely out of My sight and mind.
I, the Lord God, will make it My purposeful desire to soon remove many idol worshipping people to the pit of darkness, trepidation, woe, trouble, and despair. For what have these idol worshippers have to do with Me and My Son, Jesus. They are an abomination of filthiness, disease, and decay in My eyes.
Therefore, soon I, the Lord God, will perform the intentions of My own heart and mind. At the proper time and place I will cleanse this world as never before. Then I will bring it back to the true greatness, regeneration, and purity it had in the beginning. I will also destroy all of the evil and lustful waste places that are upon the land today. I will burn all of the filthy merchandise that is being promoted and used by Satan to trap many of his victims. For I know Satan has placed many filthy ideas, diseases, and thoughts of iniquity into multitudes of foolish people’s hearts and minds today.
So shall the seasons of time ahead prove to be unsure, unstable, and unprofitable for the many heathens who have rejected My holy name and power today. If they have stiffened their necks to listening to My Son, Jesus, or My truthful words of instruction from on high, they will face serious trouble, consequences, and grief. For in the coming days their destructive ways will come back upon their own heads, watchman. Their damaging ideas will bring them nothing but pain, woe, and trouble in their households.
For I, the Lord God, know there are many traditions of men circulating today. Therefore, they now follow their own mischievous thoughts, which will plague them for many days. For soon, I, the Lord God, will reveal all of their filthy ideas and thoughts as faulty, incorrect, backward, and corrupt. Then when My judgment comes upon them they will not have anything to offer Me at My holy throne. Only My firmly established anointed sons and daughters will have a place with Me and My Son, Jesus. They will be bringing Me the right fresh fruit of loveliness that I desire for My Son’s wedding to come, watchman. They will be bringing Me their love and devotion when they are able to see My Son coming here for a second time.
For I, the Lord God, am not going to allow this climate change that is upon this earth to stop anytime soon. Instead, I will destroy the uncircumcised land of iniquity and leaven that I see today. I will dissipate it, change it, and alter it until it meets My specifications in the heavens above.
I, the Lord God, will bring travail, pestilence, and disease here in the coming hours of My glory and new day being seen. I will bring My glistening sword of the truth and trouble to the households of darkness that do not want to see Me as I really want to be seen today.
All of these things will happen in the next few years, watchman. At the proper time and place My crescendo will build to a frenzy of intensity that cannot be quenched or controlled. I will heighten many people’s exposure and awareness to what I Am accomplishing on this earth today. I will show them where their destructive and evil works are taking them.
Therefore, soon I will heighten many people’s awareness of Me and My Son, Jesus. Through the trials, distress, and troubles they will face in the next few years they will be exposed to My power, wrath, and jealousy upon them as never before. Soon My name and My Son’s name will be truly glorified, watchman. As the intensity of My desires and plans take hold upon this earth, I will bring great convulsions, whirlwinds, upheaval, and floods to the nations that I now despise.
Therefore, soon many heathen men will experience faintness of heart and shortness of breath. They will experience travail and unprofitable trouble they have never seen or known before. For I, the Lord God, will not change the dangerous direction and corrupt course this world is now headed for, watchman. Instead, when My new day begins to truly take form I will judge, pummel, and destroy this earthen world as never before.
I, the Lord God, will not change the end time plans that I will bring to this world in the coming hours. For as I live and breathe today My ever-present heartbeat, will, and mind will continue to rule this earth into eternity. Therefore, when My new day is finally revealed here, then shall My great new sacrifice take place.
Soon My name and glory will be seen upon all of My mountaintops of victory, watchman. Then My purposeful will and plans for this world will be completed. In the coming hours My words from heaven will ring down like fire upon My enemies and My detractors. It will be seen in many of the waste places of this world where I Am now being mocked, blasphemed, ridiculed, and shunned today. It will be seen in the areas of this world where I Am not recognized as the true King of kings over all that I have made here.
Therefore, in the coming time of My threshing, cleansing, and pounding beyond belief, so shall I, the Lord God, be known and seen here as the only true Provider, Power Source, and Creator of this world. I will also make My straight ways known to some of the heathen men of wealth and prominence who have consistently opposed My commandments, My straight ways, My Son, Jesus, and Me. I will bring terror and fear to their faces as they begin to grope like blind drunkards for My light, My source, and My power. When they stumble before Me they will be able to see My great power and vengeance upon them and their little children.
However, watchman, I will not hurt even one hair on the heads of My cherished sons and daughters of the light and power. For I know they have not bowed down their knees to Baal or Balaam. They have not given tribute to the standing gods of malchum or Dianna.
They have also refused Satan’s incessant calling to them. They have not bowed down to his hideous messages and his destructive ways. Instead, many of these sons and daughters have worked tirelessly, purposely, and prudently to uphold and restore My Holy name. They have tried to do good works of charity, brotherly love, and hospitality for Me and My Son, Jesus. Many of them have labored for Me in the dry and arid fields where there was no water for them to drink. They have labored on depleted, vile, unproductive, and filthy land. They have labored for Me tirelessly where they were not welcomed, wanted, or truly desired.
These beautiful sons and daughters I Am speaking about today have often walked upon deep waters for Me and My Son, Jesus. With faith and trust they have learned to swim upstream for Me against every overwhelming foaming tide and flood that came against them. They have learned to overcome every turning wave and destructive force. Therefore, I, the Lord God, have given them My Spirit of excellence, comfort, grace, mercy, and love to sustain them in their endeavors. I have enriched their souls with choice meat from My heavenly table and throne. I have helped them to succeed as babes coming out of the woods. I have even given them new found meaning, contentment, and hope in their lives they never experienced before, watchman.
Soon these beautiful sons and daughters will be able to light up My tents and My life once again. They will be able to shine their lights brightly and beautifully for Me and My Son, Jesus. For they know in their hearts and minds that they are Mine. They know I have consistently called and chosen them to become part of My beautiful possession in the heavens above. For I know they are My remaining remnant upon this earth.
Therefore, these beautiful sons and daughters should never let their hearts and minds to become caught up in the misery, foolishness, rhetoric, and self-centeredness of this world today. For I, the Lord God, have told them many times in different ways they should avoid the mischief, usury, thievery, and the debt ridden ways of this corrupt and depleted world today. I have told them they need to be steadfast, virtuous, patient, and prudent children if they want to please Me and My Son, Jesus. They need to continue to refuse evil, idol worship, and the lusts of the flesh. They need to continue to refuse the heathen ways and faulty ideas that are being promoted all around them today, watchman.
These remnant sons and daughters should not take part in any of the wars that are being played out and promoted all around them today. They should not seek out the vain, puffed up, and corrupt ways of this fallen world. Instead, they should run from these things of corruptness and iniquity. They should not seek out the accolades, wealth, and fame that many low base people are now seeking to have in their own homes.
Instead, these wonderful sons and daughters need to continue to keep quietly to themselves. Then I, the Lord God, will make their habitations and their beds cleansed sanctuaries for Me and My Son, Jesus. Then My name and My greatness will be etched upon their own hearts and minds. I, the Lord God, will teach their little ones more about Me and My Son, and My straight and narrow ways. If these wonderful sons and daughters continue to honor My judgments, rules, and laws, then their little ones will be protected sanctuaries. Soon they will be growing up as calves coming out of the stall.
My sons and daughters need to continue to turn away their eyes from looking at evil. They should not seek after the corruption, traditions of men, and enticements of this rotten and perverse world. They should not seek after the lusts of the flesh, which are everywhere today. They should also not listen to the wicked and evil rhetoric, which are now being promoted on every street corner, watchman. They should not participate in the idol worship, greed, and escapades of the heart, which are now fashionable and in vogue.
If they will do these things, then I, the Lord God, will guide them as cedar trees coming out of the woods, watchman. I will make their days long and prosperous upon this earth. If they are involved in fair dealings, and they are willing to testify and witness on My behalf, I will guide them closer to Me. I may even decide to speak to them about My greatness and My sword of the truth. I may decide to speak to them and show them how beautiful and wonderful I Am so they can relay these things to many overseers, judges, princes, and rulers today.
For I, the Lord God, know all of these beloved sons and daughters by name. I know when they have spoken about My power, My light, and the love that I possess. I know when they have converted and convinced many heathen outcasts to reform their mischievous and hidden ways. I know when they have desired to please Me, that I have made their homes free from Satan’s evil touch. For now his devouring foul birds from heaven cannot enter inside their dwelling places. Instead, their homes are now safe and secure holy temples of richness, mercy, love, tenderness, and hospitality for Me and My Son, Jesus.
I, the Lord God, know when as great seed bearers and witnesses, these wonderful sons and daughters have tilled and sown many rich harvest fields for Me and My Son, Jesus, watchman. I know when they have turned the soil in many directions to bring up the fertile grain and the tender seedling meat that I desire. I know when they have testified in rallies where My name and My greatness could be revealed to the heathens who did not know about My eternal power. For I have seen many of them testifying and witnessing for Me whenever they have had an opportunity to do so. They have even praised Me and My Son, Jesus, with the spitting, persecution, and ridicule they have been forced to endure.
Therefore, I, the Lord God, want to tell these wonderful sons and daughters today I Am preparing a place of prominence, peace, love, and safety for them with Me and My Son. For their good works of heavenly revival, charity, and temple purifying here they will soon receive their crown of eternal life. For I want to tell them their good deeds have not gone unnoticed in the heavenly realm where I dwell. The trials that I, the Lord God, have allowed some of them to go through will outfit them perfectly for the coming time they will minister directly to Me, through My Son, Jesus.
For I, the Lord God, will soon set many of these wonderful sons and daughters as new pillars of My anointed refreshment and power, watchman. Therefore, when My new day completely arrives, I will make them ministers, priests, and saints for Me of the highest, holy order. Soon all of their troubles and trials upon this earth will be over. Then they will be rewarded mightily for their efforts here.
I, the Lord God, shall make My sons and daughters new blossoms of refreshment on my fruit trees for the faith and belief they have exhibited for Me and My Son, Jesus. I shall not turn any of them away from any of the treasure houses that I, the Lord God, possess, control, and own in the heavens above. Instead, as My remnant and heirs here they will soon be able to share in a portion of the unlimited, profitable fortune that I own.
As My remnant and true love upon this earth these beautiful sons and daughters will soon be able to rejoice in My Holy arms. For I Am preparing a peaceful place of elegance for them away from all of their enemies. This peaceful place has no relationship to this current world. Therefore, when the time is right to gather them up in My arms, I, the Lord God will take them away to their new homes of joy, love, and palatial paradise, watchman on the wall.