You need to learn to thank the Lord God for closing doors, as much as
you do when He opens them for you.
The reason God often closes doors to you is because He has not prepared anything for you on the other side of that door.
That also may not be the place He can use you to further His will and plans for your life.
If God didn't close the wrong doors to you all the time, you would never be able to find the right door you were to pursue.
Even when you don't realize it, God is always directing your path. He is always closing doors on you, and opening the right doors of His choosing.
When He closes one to you, He forces you to change your direction and your course of action, often for the better.
When God closes a wrong door to you; He will often force you to change your thinking in new and positive ways.
Then when you finally find the correct open door that God wants you to go through, you will be able to walk right into your new and exciting blessing.
At that time you will need to praise and thank God for closing the other wrong doors, and keeping you out of trouble.
You will need to remember you often "judge the things in your everyday life, by appearance only."
You will also need to remember in your own arrogance and ignorance you may have closed the right door you were to go through, and the right ways you were to pursue.
The moral of this story is you have an advocate and a very present help in the heavens, in your time of want and need.
As a faithful Christian you have God’s only Son, Jesus helping you, and He is always watching you and standing guard for you.
Jesus knows what you are thinking and He walks ahead of you.
Therefore, He can see the trouble that you will be facing down the road. It may be that Jesus will set up road blocks and detours to keep you from going through the wrong doors.
However, you must remember through your lack of true understanding and wisdom, you will often try to tear down the roadblocks Jesus is trying to put in front of you.
You will often push aside the detour signs that He is putting in your path, so you won’t go through the wrong doors.
However, in your heart you know the minute you go through the wrong door and get into trouble, you will start crying “Lord God and Jesus, how could this happen to me?"
Therefore, you have got to realize that the closed doors you weren’t able to open were actually blessings in disguise.
Didn’t God say that "No good thing would be withheld from them that love Him?"
Therefore, if you have been terminated from your job, you don't have to be down.
Instead, you should thank God for the new opportunities that He might decide to bring to you and manifest before your eyes.
God might want to bring a better job to you along the way, or He might create a better opportunity for you to go to school.
If some man or woman on a job interview didn’t return your call, it might be that God does not want you there.
It also might be that the Lord God setting up a roadblock before you to keep you from getting yourself into all kinds of trouble.
Therefore, you might need to just let this particular job fall by the wayside.
The story goes a man had all of his money in a large bank that he had been doing business with for many years.
However, the banker in this large bank told this man that he could not give him a $10,000 loan.
The Lord God led this man to call another smaller bank down the street.
This new smaller bank approved a $40,000 loan for him at a lower interest rate than the bank that he was used to doing business with.
Therefore be grateful for the times God closes any doors to you.
Be grateful that He will open them usually in the most unexpected and peculiar places.
Always remember these words, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delighteth in his way." (Psalms 37:23)
Remember the mountain tops of God are always rich and glorious to behold, however it is in the valleys that you will have a chance to learn and understand more about Him.
It is in the valleys where you will be given a chance to look more like His glorious Son, Jesus.
Always remember in your heart that if you are faithful, God will protect you, guide you, and love you.
He will give you... Enough Happiness to keep you Sweeter than honey. Enough Trials to keep you Strong and Courageous for Him and His Son. Enough Sorrows to keep you from being too Vain, Proud, and Arrogant. Enough Hope to keep you Happy and Content, which will keep your Faith alive. Enough Failures to keep you Humble, Patient, Prudent, Meek, and Kind. Enough Successes to keep you Eager to do His Will. Enough true Friends to give you Comfort and Companionship in your time of trouble and sorrows. Enough Wealth to meet your immediate Needs. Enough Enthusiasm in your heart to keep you looking forward to the day you will be able to go with Him and His Son. Enough Faith to banish any fear, worry, and depression that surrounds you, and Enough Determination to make it through each difficult, busy, and unproductive day.
For the next day of your life could be a better day for you than all of the rest you have left behind.
It could become a new beginning for you and your loved ones, if you let God and His Son, lead the way.
Therefore, your life should be lived praising and worshipping God and His Son, Jesus. If you will commit your heart and mind to your Father in heaven in whatever you do, then He will help you to succeed in everything you put your hands to.
If you love God, then share these things with the other people you know and love in your life.
Always try to remember these things in your heart, God will often open and close many doors in your life to accomplish the desires and plans He has for you.